Waste Water

The Spencer wastewater treatment plant is a 0.52 million gallon per day activated sludge plant constructed in 1989. Preliminary treatment includes fine screening and grit removal. Secondary treatment standards are met through the use of an oxidation ditch operated in extended aeration mode, and secondary clarification. Phosphorus is removed through chemical precipitation with ferric chloride. Seasonal disinfection is done with ultra-violet light, and excess biosolids are applied to local farm fields. Spencer has about 13 miles of sanitary sewer main and 7 lift stations that pump wastewater around the Village and to the plant. Our two largest Industrial customers include Land O’Lakes and FBC Inc. Spencer also receives holding tank waste from the surrounding townships when field applications are prohibited. The wastewater treatment plant is open from 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Any questions or concerns can be directed to:
Chris Helgestad at 659-5404 or by e-mail to wwtp@vil.spencer.wi.us.